Friday, November 4, 2011

Baby Rie Rie

Rielee had early release today and was full of energy. She had Ava and Harper playing babies, then the next thing I know, SHE is the baby and is pretending to be asleep on the floor. Ava and Harper were loving this play, and then Rielee started to pretend-cry and they went into action. "Matter Rie Rie?" Harper asked her, then gave her a baby doll while Ava bent down to try giving her a kiss. Auna and I got a kick out of watching this exchange. After babies, they played restaurant, Ava and Rielee were the servers and took orders, Auna was the customer and Harper was the cook. Auna wasn't an easy customer either-she knows how to push Rielee's buttons, when Rielee started to give her a "menu", Auna said she didn't need one since she had been there before, Rielee was so mad, she told Auna that no, she had not been there and if she was then she must have had a different server. Too funny.

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