Thursday, November 3, 2011

Laury's cat

We took the girls out for a couple of walks today. It was chilly so they had to walk with their hands in their pockets, which makes Papa very nervous for fear they might trip and do a face plant. The girls were happy that the scary Halloween decorations are gone and they can safely walk around the yard.

They were very curious about this cat statue in Laury's yard, Ava had to get up close to it and even gave it a little kiss. The big drama today was over Harper's little dog. It is a little brown dog from the doll house that she has carried around from time to time, she really loves it. Today she put it in her pocket when we went for a walk and must have dropped it along the way. She was devastated and she and Papa had to go back out and look for it, but couldn't find it. She cried over her lost little dog.

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