Thursday, March 30, 2017

Grandparent's Day

 Grandparent's Day at King's Way Christian is pretty special.  We started the morning in the girl's classroom where Ava and Harper interviewed us.  Harper couldn't believe that Papa Steve's favorite color was brown, "Seriously Papa?!  Nobody's favorite color is brown!"
Ava's eyes got so big when Papa Mike said he had 8 brothers and sisters. 
Next we went to the chapel and listened to the 5th grade band and choir perform Hallelujah, then we all sang along with them to a medley of patriotic and other songs.   
Then it was time for recess.

Ava went right to work looking for worms and found several.
Harper met up with some friends on the monkey bars.

Back to the classroom, we had cookies and water or coffee and worked together on a mosaic cross picture.  It was a very fun time with the girls.  They got to leave for the day when we left at 11, and started their spring break a day early.

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