Sunday, March 19, 2017

Salamander, Papa Pete's

 Ava the science lover with the dead salamander they found Saturday.  She studied it carefully, said the cause of death was one "claw sized" hole in it's belly.  I told her to put it in the woods so she made it a bed and laid it to rest on a stump.  Later, I caught her moving the burial place, twice.  They went from that to digging up worms by the creek and rehoming them at the play fort. 
I found out that Ava is considered the "Worm Doctor" at school.  She has quite a following,  Harper said, several "nurses" that help her and kindergarteners, they're afraid of the worms but like to watch.  Ava told me she finds broken worms and then ties their bodies together with a piece of string or a blade of grass, then makes them beds of bark and moss.  Daddy said their teacher makes sure that Ava thoroughly washes her hands after recess.
We had dinner at Papa Pete's after Rielee's volleyball tournament.  The girls had divided up all the quarters they could find in the house, but were disappointed that half the machines they usually play were out of order.  They tried some of the racing games instead and really had fun.  Rielee was frustrated that first Harper beat her several times, then Ava did, too, even coming in 1st.

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