Friday, March 10, 2017

A warm day!

Group hug! (Note: Rielee got her braces yesterday!)
The cousins had a fun afternoon playing together.  They started out playing on the big swing and riding around in the Jeep, then we tried something different and Jillian and Ava went to Cathy's to play together.  Harper and Bridget rode around some more, went inside to draw and play house, then back out to the play fort and sandbox.  Rielee rode her bike around some but was a little subdued with a sore mouth.
Later, Harper suggested we have a fire pit for dinner.  Papa had already started mashed potatoes, so we had them with our hotdogs, not bad.  Papa came up with a new system for roasting marshmallows that worked great (count to 5-then rotate) so Rielee made up a song about it.  Then the fire got too hot and his system failed, all their marshmallows caught on fire!  Another song and a lot of laughs. 

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