Monday, March 27, 2017

Big Al's

Ava hanging up her backpack at school this morning, they keep them out in the hallway since their room is small.

Rielee has early release this week, so she got to go with us to pick up the girls.  They were thrilled to see each other, Harper even got a piggyback ride to the car.

We stopped at Big Al's after school to go bowling but the kids chose the arcade instead.  Rielee was fired up on the hoop game and won a bunch of tickets.  Then we went to Charb and Kelly's to wait for a couple hours till they got back from New Jersey.  We had been warned that the front door was hard to open, and was it ever, the key snapped in half when Harper was taking a turn trying to make it work!  Somehow Papa managed to get it to open anyway, thankfully, we had visions of heading back to the bowling alley. 

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