Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fool's

We went to the Dollar Store on Friday, seems they're mostly interested in office supplies now. 
They spent the sunny afternoon at the play fort, but when Harper's allergies kicked in (we had just mowed) they had to come in early.  She recovered with some Benadryl and they had a sleepover later that included a marathon of Brain Games on Netflix...
and making bead creations. 
Rielee went home early this morning and missed out on making sugar cookies.

  Harper wanted to take the picture, they made a cookie for every family member but I think she
had some of that frosting on the lense.
We also had some fun with April Fool's Day jokes.  Ava stuffed everyone's shoes with tissue paper, I tricked Harper with blue water out of the faucet, ran them a cold bath, and they hid all my underwear while I was in the shower.  Rielee tricked her Dad with a fake nail polish spill we made and her Mom with brown water out of the faucet. 

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