Friday, April 7, 2017

Sally B's birthday, movie

It was Sally B's first birthday today, so the girls had a party for her, complete with streamers and presents wrapped in newspaper.  Harper loves that bear, she even went to school with her on a day when Harper had earned a coupon she could use to bring a stuffed animal.
It was so windy and stormy out, a good day to take the girls to see Boss Baby.  Just after I took this picture Rielee noticed Heather, Jillian, Bridget and Tor sitting down at the other end of our row so we moved down so the kids could be together.  It was a cute movie, but as we were leaving I couldn't find my car keys, we searched the theatre 3 times, but all we found was a shoe (?) so Papa had to come to our rescue.  The kids got their favorite cotton candy ice cream cones while we waited for him. 

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