Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wagon ride/Parker's truck

 Papa was on his way out to mow this morning but didn't get by the girls, who were having a tea party at the play fort.  So he loaded them and their chairs up in the wagon and took them for a long ride.  When he went up and down a steep little hill by Des and Gabe's, they would have to hang on for dear life or they would slide forward, so exciting.  He had to do it over and over again.

 Parker only has 30 months until he can get his driver's license, so he started working on his truck today, cleaning it out and trying to decide what to fix first, and he has lots of options.  He is doing odd jobs and saving his money so he can buy the things he needs for it.   He, Mom and Rielee used it this afternoon to haul their bikes to town to go for a ride. 
 Ava and Harper did so much better in the pool today.  We put floaties on them instead of their life jackets.  Ava was floating on her back and paddling around and practicing kicking, sometimes letting go of Papa's hand all together.
Harper floated around on the noodle and she also got very good at kicking.  They had a great time.

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