Monday, July 8, 2013

Pool and water slide

 The girls slept in until almost 9 and woke up rested and ready to play.  They took a bath, played with Play-Doh, changed their clothes about 5 times and we made brownies.  The sun came out earlier so we went to the pool at noon.  Harper was ready to get in and try swimming around but the water was a little cold for her so she just played on the pool ladder instead.  Ava watched her having fun and had to try that, too.
 Headed to the play fort, being wrapped up in their towels seemed to be their favorite part of going swimming.
 They had a tea party and I caught Harper drinking right out of the pot!  Rielee put their "Gourde girl" stickers on again.
They made their own water slide with the hose.  Harper did some cool little jumps at the bottom.
We took the girls back in the evening and went to Luke's last All-Star game, which they won 13-6. 

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