Thursday, July 11, 2013

Singing for the sun

Ava had a ton of fun playing on the hammock.
 The twins came up to spend the day with us since Kelly was having a garage sale.  They were really good, little fighting and a lot of sharing and great manners.  Our only problem was when Rielee came over after volleyball camp, Ava wasn't ready to wake up from her nap, yet she heard Rielee and wanted to wake up and play, but was crabby for awhile.  All she wanted was oatmeal for lunch, so Papa gave in and made her oatmeal, the rest of us were having pizza.  Then Rielee asked for oatmeal, too, and Harper decided it looked good, so it was a weird lunch of oatmeal, toast and pizza. 
We had fun with them outside after lunch.  The sun kept going behind the clouds, so they took turns singing, in their little opera voices, their "I love the sun, come back sun" song.  When it came back out they would cheer and squeal!
Harper with her chalk rainbow.
Harper loved her hairdo this morning.  It was straightened from being in a ponytail yesterday and she thought she looked just like Rielee. 

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