Thursday, July 25, 2013

Morning swim

We were all in the pool early today, playing motor boat, shark girls, and marco polo. It was fun and the pool felt great.  From the pool to the play fort and then in for lunch.  Even though Ava and Harper slept for 11 hours last night, they still needed a nap badly, these busy days playing with Rielee and swimming had caught up with them.  But then they slept and slept and I had to wake them up to meet Dad at 6, Harper was in an okay mood but begging for oatmeal-she thought it was morning,  I made her some toast and tried to get Ava up,  but she was sad because Papa had left to go to summer league while she was asleep and she wanted him.  She decided to wear her swimsuit home instead of her dress, ok, no big deal, and then said she couldn't walk to the car,  when I refused to carry her, she whimpered "I'll crawl then" and started to, oh gosh, so I packed her to the car, picturing her burning her little knees on the hot deck... "pick your battles" went  through my head about then.  So, I bribed them both with a toy if they wouldn't cry on the way to meet Dad, and stopped at BK for some food to munch on, by the time we met him, they were both happy and so was I. 

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