Thursday, July 18, 2013

Slip n' Slide and the Fair

 This afternoon Rielee remembered that we had bought a Slip n' Slide at a garage sale last week, so we set it up and they all had so much fun on it. 
 We had planned on going to the parade and fair this evening but opted just for the fair since Ava and Harper were a little worn out and had not napped today.  They were so excited to ride the ponies but seemed kind of scared once it was time to saddle up.
 This was how they looked during most of their ride, with long faces and Ava had her bottom lip out, too.  Ava said she liked petting her horse at first but then she felt like she might fall off and didn't like it.  Harper's horse was acting funny and stopped and started a lot, Harper looked bored.  They were happy to get off.
We went through the animal barns, they liked the cows, sheep and goats, but not the pigs.  In the poultry/rabbit barn, a rooster crowed very loudly and they both took off running for the door while Ava yelled "I want to go home!"   They loved cotton candy and elephant ears.  We met up with Rielee later and looked at her baked goods and she had won the Red Star Yeast Award for her cardamom braid and got a blue ribbon on a little kitty she had sewed, she was super happy.  She, Parker and Macee had blue ribbons on everything they entered.  Ava and Harper were so tired from walking that we had to pack them on our backs to the car.

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