Friday, September 30, 2011

We love Play-Doh

The girls were upset this morning when Papa left to take Rielee to school so I broke out some new Play-Doh. They wanted to play the usual "gingerbread man" with a bed and a blanket. Ava asked for a sad face on her gingerbread man, then she tucked him in and gave him a kiss.

Harper wanted a happy-faced man and picked him up and rocked him like a baby. We had a good day with them, they are so fun to watch now as they play make-believe, tucking their babies and Elmo in bed and shutting the bedroom door, or playing with the Lil' Petshop animals. Harper separated all the dogs to play with, and she had 2 little ones she called the "babies". Ava was riding around on the stick horse, carrying a purse and said "bye-bye, town".

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