Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Crawling Harper

Rielee had early release today so she and I took the twins for a walk this afternoon while Papa was blowing off the driveway. On our way back from seeing Buttons at Rielee's house, Ava decided she wanted to be carried so I picked her up for minute. Then Harper cried and wanted to be carried, so I put Ava down to give Harper a turn and Ava started crying. So I put both down and tried to explain to them that I couldn't pack them both that far, they would have to walk. Now both are crying and refusing to walk, Harper even started crawling a couple of times while Ava was dragging her feet and screaming. I knew they weren't tired, they had just got up from their naps, they were just upset because each thought the other was getting all the attention. Harper trying to prove her point.
Okay, having had enough of that, I packed both of them from the woodshed to the playfort...
This vying for attention is an on-going theme with twins. Papa and I are fortunate that both of us are home to take care of them so they normally each get plenty of attention, but it is times like this that remind us how hard it can be sometimes to have them by yourself. You always feel like maybe one of them is getting short-changed, or that they might feel that way and it is worrisome.

At the playfort, the girls wanted to swing. Alan came over and he pushed Harper while I pushed Ava. They love "twisters" and stayed on the swings longer than ever. Rielee said she loves Fall the best. She wanted to rake leaves but I pointed out that they haven't fallen yet. She decided she could rake all the pine needles into a pile and try jumping into those. Not much fun she decided, they were stickery and poked into her legs.

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