Friday, September 9, 2011

If I only had a brain

I decided this morning that I am losing it. Since the girls were spending the night, I thought I would get organized after breakfast and quickly iron a couple little dresses and their clothes for tomorrow while they were busy playing. While I was ironing, I noticed that the handle of the iron was greasy, I figured maybe something was spilled on it, and also the iron was sticking, too. No matter, I kept going and finished up and then when I was putting everything away, I realized that I had been spraying the clothes with PAM, not with Magic Sizing like I thought! then I had to do a load of wash instead, and mop the floor a couple more times to try to degrease it from the overspray. Alan laughed when I told him about it and said I should have just let them wear the clothes and see how fast they would go down the slide. The girls all cuddled up with some new dogs I got them at a garage sale. Ava took the black dog and Harper latched on to the other 3.

Ava showing us which player is Emmy.

We were watching very bad video from Simon Fraser U. where she was playing tonight, they won in 3. It was such terrible video, like it was filmed with a very old camera by a 5 year old, you could barely make out the players.

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