Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A perfect day

It was a beautiful, warm morning so we were outside early. Alan came over to visit
and we sat and watched
the girls play, they were so funny, Alan said his face was sore from smiling. They were really busy running around, singing their ABCs and being very animated. You could tell when they got to the end of the song, their arms out wide and head shaking for a big finish. Laury's cat Charlie was also running around and climbing trees, something that the girls found fascinating.Harper cooling off Ava's feet

Ava was disappointed, she wanted to go to the "big water" (Rielee's pool) instead of the wading pool, but once Papa warmed it up with about 9 pots of hot water, she was able to enjoy it. They put their rocks in the pool, too.

After their naps, all the kids showed up to visit, which prompted a last minute jump in the pool with Rielee, which got their dresses all wet so we stripped them down until it was time to go home. Papa said they were perfect on the ride home, just like they were on the way here in the morning. Charb sent this funny priceless picture tonight-Harper's "tough guy" poop face, didn't hear if she had any success or not, but she looked cute trying!

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