Saturday, September 3, 2011


Poor Ava spent all day sitting around, dragging herself around, crawling, walking on her knees, anything but walking. She had a sliver taken out of the bottom of her foot Thursday night and from what we heard, it was a very traumatic process for her (and for Kelly and Charb trying to hold her still). Her foot must have been sore because she just refused to use it. We kept worrying that maybe something else was wrong because she wouldn't bear any weight on it at all, yet it wasn't sore to the touch, and she seemed to have some trouble remembering which foot hurt. We tried everything to get her to walk, even putting "candy" (choc. & yogurt covered raisins) on their table for her, she crawled to it and got up on her knees to reach it. Finally, we took her outside, and she stood up once in the sandbox and then ran from the sandbox to Papa at the hammock, so we knew it was just sore and nothing worse. She sat down after that and only stood up once more in the afternoon, again while we were outside. It wasn't until Saturday morning that she started walking again, and then Kelly said it was on her heels. She was happy just sitting on the couch all morning playing with stickers.

I gave Ava my camera when we were outside and she took lots of pictures of everyone's feet and legs, these are Harper's.

When it was Harper's turn, she took pictures by holding the camera to her forehead so all of her pictures were mostly of the trees and sky, although she did get part of Auna in this one.


We went to watch Macee, Tierney and the rest of the Rocket v'ball team at the jamboree at Mark Morris. They did great, winning all 4 of their games.

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