Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sick day

 Ava and Harper posing with the Gingerbread girls they made for school.   Both girls had a cough this morning, Ava's was pretty bad.  We had them ready for school and drove as far as Kelso before Ava convinced us to turn around and keep them home instead.  She coughed non-stop the whole way so it was a no-brainer.  Some Tylenol made them feel a whole lot better and they had a great time playing all day.  We made cinnamon rolls and they made Christmas cards and painted some Christmas crafts for gifts. 
 We took them outside for on a walk to look for squirrels, Ava got tangled up in a blackberry vine and Papa had to carry her back to the house.  She hopped around on her good leg for a couple of hours before she finally felt better.  Poor girl was upset, she's had too many accidents recently.
This morning she showed me this drawing she did of her accidents, the top is she and Harper jumping on their trampoline, they knocked heads and she lost her tooth.  The bottom one is when she cut her face on the coffee table, that's blood flying on the floor and on her face, she said.  The "25" is Christmas, of course!  She asked for a rubber band and rolled up her drawing so she could save it. 

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