Friday, December 5, 2014

Gingerbread houses, Santa daddy

 We had a busy afternoon and evening.  Ava, Harper and Rielee got out of school early, as soon as they got here they started on their gingerbread houses.  It was messy and kind of chaotic, but they got one done and Rielee will finish hers at home.
 Ava took her bandaid off so we could see her scar, Becky took the stitches out for her yesterday so she didn't have to go to the doctor.  She didn't want to talk about it though. 
We went to the Carroll's bazaar where Daddy was playing Santa (Rielee couldn't go because she had play practice at church).  The girls were very good about quietly calling him "Daddy" so that other kids wouldn't hear them.  They did two crafts, decorating birdhouses and making an evergreen arrangement in a mug before we had to leave to go to Parker's game.  Parker's team beat R.A .Long.  Rielee came from practice and rode home with us to spend the night.  The girls settled in with a Mr. Bean movie and popcorn before bed.

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