Thursday, December 25, 2014


Charb and Kelly brought the girls up on Christmas Eve, it was fun watching them open gifts.  Ava was most excited by a new Princess puppy, she said it would be a twin sister for her old one. 

They were both excited to get new nightgowns and Frozen dresses,  there was a lots of flinging things up in the air. 
We all went down to Dan and Robin's for our annual Christmas Eve party.  It was a wonderful time, great food, a fun trivia game, the gift exchange and Santa's visit, of course.
The Gourdes,
more Gourdes, (we missed having Luke and Lexi with us),
and the Dolans all took great pictures.
Auna, Parker and James posed for me.
Harper getting her gift from Santa, neither she nor Ava wanted to sit on his lap,
but Rielee did, he asked her if she wanted a horse and she said "sure".  Parker and Auna played along and sat on his lap, too. 

Christmas morning Gabe, Des, Macee, Parker and Rielee came over for breakfast.  I had considered perhaps making cardamom french toast this year, but the kids all had a fit, biscuits and gravy is a tradition, they said, you don't mess with that, Grandma! 
Rielee was the top winner on the lotto tickets, winning a whopping $6.  We went over to their house later in the day for dessert. 

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