Friday, December 26, 2014

Rielee's sewing machine

Santa brought Rielee a sewing machine for Christmas.  I had given her a sewing basket, accessories and some fabric that I pre-cut for jammie pants so she came over tonight to sew them.  We first had to set up her machine, it's a Brother, which I've never worked with, so we had to study a little and adjust the bobbin case before we got it sewing correctly.  Rielee is inserting the bobbin in the picture, she was excited and wanted to do everything herself.  She's learned so much from her sewing lessons.  Her pants turned out well even though the fabric was a little thick for her to easily sew.  She was just glad to get them done without having to use her seam ripper!  She immediately put them on and stupid me, I didn't think to take a picture... 

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