Saturday, September 6, 2014

Scooters, football and volleyball

Thursday-Ava and Harper came up to spend the night since they only went to school on Wednesday this week.  Papa broke down and bought another scooter for them, we messed up only buying one at Costco, they are twice the price everywhere else.  They were begging to go out and ride even before they had a bath and made several trips over to Laury's and to Rielee's house.  Harper is fearless and could use full body armor on the hills, she goes so fast.  Ava is more reserved, she walks hers part of the way down.

We went to Parker's first football game in the evening, a win over Mark Morris.  He did a nice job with all the kicking and played tight end and linebacker. 

Rielee wasn't there but her cousin Isaac was, so they hung out and shared the electronics with him.
Friday we headed to Spokane to watch the Gonzaga Invitational.  They beat Grand Canyon in 4, Macee started as libero and had some great digs.

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