Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Last day of summer vacation

Harper, Ava, and Rielee made the most of their last day together before school starts.  This morning Rielee presented the girls with I.D. badges for her new Club ( Parker's old treehouse is now her Clubhouse).  They were thrilled (well, Harper wasn't quite sure if she wanted to be a vice-president at first, but she warmed up to the idea) and wore them all day.  Their first official meeting consisted of a scavenger hunt, they had to find and either bring me or take a picture of 20 items in the neighborhood.  They completed it and each got a prize.  Rielee got a Whoopee cushion, which provided a good hour of laughter and silliness.  We also made cinnamon rolls,
 they made feather bird pictures,
ran races, and practiced their cartwheels. 
Tomorrow Ava and Harper start Kindergarten full-time and I have Grandma-style empty nest syndrome X 2.  Papa and I are both full of emotions.
We'll miss seeing them every day.  Of course we don't want them to stay little forever, but it's been such a fun time!  We're proud of how they've grown, from preemies to smart, strong, happy little girls, full of personality-they'll do great in school.  We're grateful for the opportunity to have had them in our lives on a daily basis these past years.  Twins are so unique, to be able to experience their development and see their bond grow-it's been a blessing and brought us daily doses of joy.
   The journey doesn't end here though.  We'll be around them, along with the rest of the grandkids, nieces and nephews, as much as we can, whenever we can-with never-ending love and support.  Bring on the fall sports...

1 comment:

  1. Our girls, and Kelly and I, are so lucky to have you and Steve. We know how lucky we are to have had our girls not only with family, but with family that teaches them a great deal. They've basically had five years of pre-school.

    There will be many sleep-overs in the future!
