Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rielee soccer/Emmy's birthday

Rielee scored a goal early in her game tonight and then asked her coach if she could be the goalie.  It was a boring time for her, with no action near the goal.  Just before halftime she yelled to her coach in frustration "I haven't got to kick the ball once!"  She got no sympathy, he answered "Hey, you asked to play there!"  They won 4-1.
Emmy's birthday is actually tomorrow, but with conflicting schedules, the only time she had to celebrate was tonight after Auna's volleyball game.  Laury made her apple pie instead of cake. Emmy got the funniest card ever from Sam (the dog) that said
 "Happy Birthday! Hope no one else got you a stick!"- so fitting since Sam is the most obsessed stick-chasing/chewing dog in the world. 
I can't believe our little Emmy Dolan is 23, honestly it just seems like yesterday that she was born. 

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