Saturday, September 13, 2014

a day of not-so-good pictures

Harper had a birthday party for Kitty Cat today (that's Rielee holding Kitty).  She made the cake out of Play Doh.  We sang Happy Birthday twice because Parker blew out the candles instead of Kitty, and Harper wasn't going for that.
We woke up this morning and decided it would be nice to see the twins, since it would be 6 days before we saw them again. Six long, quiet days. Fortunately, they weren't doing anything and got to come and spend the night.  Yes!  A fix of noise and chaos, dress-up and shows, scootering and a messy baking session, just what we needed. 
 The girls, that's Ellie, Rielee's friend on the left, posed in front of the Clubhouse, Rielee with her eyes closed.  Gabe finally got rid of the bees nest that was keeping her from setting things up.  The old tree house needs some work to make it fit for girls to use, but she got her sign hung up and desk moved in and took out Parker's old one.  She also got Papa started on some stairs and made Sam an "Official Watch Dog of Rielee's Club House" I.D. badge, too.
We got a visit from the entire Dolan family tonight.  They were all watching football and I'm not sure what Emmy was explaining to Parker.  Harper was showing Dan a game she was playing.

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