Friday, October 25, 2013

Pumpkin Patch field trip

The pre-school went on a field trip this morning to a pumpkin patch in Willow Grove, Dad, Papa and I went along, too.  Ava didn't want to be in the group picture.  She was unhappy because when they got off the bus she wanted to hold hands with Boden, but he chose to hold his Mom's hand.
They went on a hayride around the farm and then to the pumpkin patch.  Ava and Harper wanted tiny pumpkins, it took them a long time to find just the right ones. 
 Singing a song before their snack prayer.
 So sweet. 
Silly Harper, she wouldn't eat the granola bar because it had chocolate chips in it (her teacher said she picked those hoping Harper might eat them) and they had apple juice which she doesn't like either. 
They decorated their pumpkins as soon as we got home.

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