Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ava and Harper's first bus field trip

 Today the pre-school went on a field trip to the Fire Station.  The girls were excited to be riding on a school bus for the first time.  Harper was partnered with Alysha, one of the other twins, and Ava was with her friend Boden.  They were very well behaved the whole time.  Once we got to the Fire Station, however, the teacher took them from their partners and let them hold hands with Charb and I.  Suddenly, both girls regressed and they were afraid of everything, Smokey the Bear, the Dalmation and the firefighters, too.  They were clinging to our legs or asking to be held, we actually had to force them over to their teacher so they could be in the group picture.  They didn't pay much attention during the tour but at the end, when all the kids (except them, they wouldn't have anything) were enjoying a snack, an emergency call suddenly came in and the red light flashed, we could hear their radios going off, and one of the fire fighters ran out, jumped on the truck with some others and took off !  That was exciting and Ava got to wave at them when they drove out of the station.  She may have smiled, not sure.
 Once they were back on the bus, however, they were happy again, Harper sat with Dad and Ava wanted to sit with Teagan.   If you ask them about the trip now they say "it was fun and I cried".  So true, loved the bus ride but not the fire station.

 They were all smiles on the way home and loved their hats!

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