Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Eye shadow

 Ava was cute today, she wrote a menu, 2 long lines of random letters and brought it to Alan and I, she even had her pen behind her ear.  Then she asked each of us to look at it and tell her what we wanted to order.  Harper offered to help her cook but Ava wanted to run the restaurant all by herself.
They went to Rielee's tonight and played dress up, Rielee did their make-up(they loved their eye shadow) and hair-a braid for Ava, pigtails for Harper.  Then they all put on a show singing 2 songs each. 
Tonight was their first night of sleeping in their beds, it went pretty well.  Papa read them books first, then they giggled and talked, got up a half dozen times to ask if they still had to stay in there, once to report that "the door wiggled", once to tell me they really wanted to watch a cooking show, and the last time Ava came out crying a little.  When that didn't work, they both conked out.   It only took 2 hours, and for as wound up as they were, that was great and I was happy.

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