Monday, October 7, 2013

Harper the pincher

After school, we gave the girls dry erase boards and Harper sat down to show Alan, who was visiting, how she could write her name the correct way, "pinching" the marker, instead of her old way of holding it between her index and ring finger.   This morning she wrote her name perfectly on a picture for her teacher and it was high fives all around, Ava was just as happy and proud of Harper as we were and as she was of herself.  They both love school so much and are eager to please their teacher.
They learned about fire in school today and how they should get out and stay out of the house and not go back for their toys and also learned to stop, drop and roll.  They learned sign language for "stop" and "roll".  Harper was  questioning leaving her toys, she said she loves her stuff and didn't want it in the fire,  Ava said "no, we leave it and then we can buy new toys!"  

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