Tuesday, January 15, 2013


After their bath this morning, we made cupcakes and little cakes. As they were decorating them,  Harper decided she wanted to give her cake to Alan, and Ava wanted to give hers to her Mom. When they left to deliver Alan's, Harper asked Ava to carry it, but just as they got to Alan's porch, the cake slid off the plate onto the ground. They came back in the house and I asked what happened, Papa said "Ava air-mailed it", then Harper stomped her foot, crossed her arms, and said "Ava mailed it!"and started to cry. Ava felt terrible, so I asked her if she wanted to give her cake to Alan instead, I told her that her Mom would understand and it would make Harper happy, so she agreed.  Harper also had one little green cupcake left, so she took that for Vera.  I wrapped them up tight, Harper carried hers very carefully and Papa carried Ava's cake until they got to the door, then she handed it to Vera, since Alan was gone to town. 
 Before the start of the Rocket girls game tonight, Macee was surprised when she was given a ball and honored for scoring over 1,000 points in her career.   Way to go Macee!

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