Thursday, January 17, 2013


Harper took this picture of all the babies -  Rielee's baby, Harper's black (haired) baby, Ava's Princess baby and Rielee's Panda outfit baby
We were measuring their height  - Ava is 38" tall, Harper 37", then they had to measure us.  We had a busy afternoon, we took them to the feed store to pick up some suet cakes, then we went to the bakery.  They picked out sugar cookies but didn't like them very much since the frosting was hard, they helped Papa finish his cinnamon twist instead.  When we got home, Rielee called and invited them over to play.  They played at her house, and then she came back with us.  Rielee wanted to make a snowman picture with the girls so they had fun doing that.  The twins were sad to see her go.

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