Friday, January 4, 2013

Blanket forts

The girls played in their blanket forts all morning, and their babies spent most of the day there.  They helped me make cinnamon and dinner rolls, and we washed Ava's little dog in a bowl in the sink.  They got a kick out of that, but Ava worried when I put him in the dryer, she said she was afraid he would "break up". 

Ava in her blanket fort

Today -  they were hungry girls this morning, eating french toast and sausage (Harper did, Ava doesn't like sausage) and then oatmeal with Rielee when she got here.   They got to play with Jillian and Bridget.  They were very excited about going down to Aunt Cathy's and happily took bathes and dressed themselves.  It was a little before 10 when we went down there and by 11, Ava was tired and ready to come home.  They ate a snack and went down for naps in record time. 

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