Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blazers game

I had the best time last night at the Blazers game.  Thanks to Parker for taking me. 
Last fall, Parker and I were talking basketball.  I told him about a time when his Dad was little, the Blazers were in the playoffs, 1976, I think,  Laury and I, his Dad, Charb and another little girl I was babysitting, waited in line at the Coliseum all day for tickets, but when we got close to the ticket booth, they sold out.   And all these years, with Papa hating the Blazers, I've never had the opportunity to go to a game.  So he told his parents that he had an idea of what I might like for Christmas and they got me Blazer tickets.   
It couldn't have been a better game, they were down by 21 points, came back and won it at the buzzer.  Parker did not stop grinning the entire time we were there.  We went early and sat courtside to watch the players warm up, that was fun.  It was all so much fun, and we had quite an adventure finding the car afterwards, did a lot of walking before we found the right parking garage and we were just about as happy finding the car as when the Blazers won the game!  What a great night.

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