Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tea party

Today was our last regular day watching the twins since their Mom and Dad are now on summer break.   The first day of summer brought sunshine so it was a perfect time for them to have a little outdoor tea party.  Auna taught the girls the proper way to do a toast and say "cheers", and they drank cup after cup of "tea", actually just water.  They had a great time.
Auna pointed out this perfect long ringlet in Harper's hair

Rielee went down to Cathy's in the morning to play with Jillian and Bridget, then they all came up and played at the playfort and in the sandbox.  We let them play with the hose and they were at first making sand soup but then it turned into carrot soup.  Playtime ended when Harper peed in the sandbox, all that "tea" caught up her. 
After naptime, we took Ava and Harper to Barb and Mike's, where they took off running happily to the backyard to play.   We were already missing them before we had driven a block.  Fortunately, Rielee spent the night with us, so we had her to keep us company in the evening.  She and I played "beachball volleyball" outside until the mosquitos chased us in.

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