Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rainy morning playdate/Rielee's twisters

 Bridget and Jillian came up to play this morning.  The little girls were busy with toys while Jillian at first watched some cartoons before joining in.  They all got along quite well, as long as Bridget didn't touch  Ava or Harper's babies.  Fortunately, we had a spare baby she could play with.   Ava and Harper even let Bridget drink out of their sippy cups.
 I bought some large crayons for the girls and they loved them.  Much easier to grip, Ava did some great coloring, even filling in the center of the butterfly and flower.  Harper hasn't yet mastered her grip, but she draws pretty well anyway. 
 They learned a valuable lesson from Rielee today-how to make a silly face.
 After the girls left,  Rielee stayed with me for a little while.  We walked over to her house and she fed her chickens, then she wanted me to push her on the big swing.  She loves "twisters" and we always have to say the same thing when I twist her up:  I say "round and round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows, except Grandma", she sings the alphabet.  I asked her why and she told me that Auna told her she had to.  She had about a dozen twisters and didn't get dizzy or sick at all. 

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