Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Combo party

 This was Harper this morning, elated at her "new" green undies...the girl really loves everything green, and after one too many battles with her over the lack of green undies, it dawned on me that I could simply dye some for her.  Problem solved.  
Harper and Dad
 We had a birthday party tonight at Papa Pete's for Rielee, who turned 7 yesterday, Charb, yikes, he is 40 today, and Macee, who will be 17 tomorrow. 
Laury made Charb a "Super 40" cake, similar to many Superman cakes he had growing up.  Rielee and Macee wanted a jello cake.  The kids had lots of fun playing in the game room,  the little girls spent lots of time on the merry-go-round and other rides.

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