Thursday, June 14, 2012

School's out

 Laury showed up for coffee this morning with Emmy, Will and Auna.  Uncle is trying to make Will into a coffee drinker and gives him about a quarter of a cup every morning so he can develop a taste for it, since he will probably need it once he starts college.
Will is a good sport and drinks the coffee even though I know he hates it. 

Ava and Harper got to play with Jillian and Bridget this morning.  The played with the kitchen and dollhouse and then Jillian got their two play tents out.  She also brought out some blankets to put in the tents, which kind of upset Ava and Harper because they thought it meant they might have to take a nap, I had to explain that Jillian was pretending. 
Rielee got out of school at 10:30, so we went back home so the twins could play with her, then Rielee went to play with Jillian and Bridget while the twins went down for their real naps.  After naptime, Parker showed up to hang out, play some basketball and eat lunch with the girls.  They had the potato soup with roasted garlic that they all love.   Em, Will and Auna came through again, too, with all of them playing ball out by the playfort for awhile.  It was like old times, except they are all big now...

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