Thursday, May 31, 2012


It was kind of a crummy, rainy morning so we had to stay inside.  We went through some magazines and I had them tell me when they saw a picture of something they liked, then we tore it out and glued it on a piece of paper.  Harper's paper was filled with many pictures of dogs, a couple green toys, a necklace and food.  Ava found kitty pictures, the same necklace as Harper, lipstick, toys, flowers, the sun and food. 
We walked over to the big swing and they visited with Parker and Buttons for a few minutes, then they wanted to see Uncle Alan.  He was in his shop and showed them the big magnets on his file cabinets and a light, too, they busily played right there at the file cabinet until it was time to go.
After their bath, Ava had me comb her Barbie's wet hair,  Barbie had bathed with them, so I put it in a low ponytail.  Immediately, Ava said "that's like Rielee's hair" and said she wanted her hair fixed that way, too.

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