Friday, May 18, 2012

Riding with Jillian and Bridget

Harper tried riding the trike and did well on it.
 Aunt Cathy called this morning and invited the girls down to play with Jillian and Bridget.  They had the Jeep and Quad out in the driveway when we got there, so Ava and Harper got to try out their driving skills.  They have none, so it was quite a wild and crazy time keeping them going in a circle without running into anything or each other, or Bridget, who is also learning to ride, or their Grandma.  They figured out how to start and stop, sort of, but the steering part, not so much.  Harper seemed to like riding the Quad best, she felt like she was really zooming on it.  They paid attention when Jillian filled the Jeep with pretend "gas" and had to stop and do the same thing a couple of times. 
The girls really had a great time.  Harper kept asking "fun, Ava, fun?" as she drove around, Ava answered "yeah!".

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