Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rielee's softball game

 On our walk this morning we went to check out the chickens and look at the calves, 2 now since the other cow had hers Sunday.  Harper noticed some little green balls in the gravel by Gabe and Des' garage and started picking them up.  They were BBs from Parker's airsoft gun.  Ava started looking too, and she started picking up the other colors until she couldn't find anymore, then Harper let her have some green ones since there were lots of those.  At first they filled their pockets but then Ava found a watering can to put hers in, and so did Harper.  It was the best entertainment for them and kept them busy for a long time.

Rielee had a game tonight against a Kelso team.  She is on an 8U team and they use a pitching machine.  She got a hit every time at bat and was the pitcher once and at 1st base also.  She really seems to enjoy it, especially the little chants and songs they sing in the dugout.

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