Friday, May 4, 2012

Rielee was over for breakfast this morning and then she and the girls got on Starfall until it was time for school.  After she left, Ava took over the mouse and they played by themselves, listening to nursery rhymes (there are 48 on there) until Papa got back and it was time for a bath.  
Rielee had early release and as soon as it stopped raining she wanted to go over to the fence and try to see the neighbor's new calf.  We couldn't see it so we ended up at the play fort instead.  Harper grabbed the blue swing and was having a good time but then Ava asked for a turn so she could try tummy swinging, too.  Harper reluctantly gave it up but she wasn't very happy about it.

At 9:45 p..m. tonight I heard a very loud pounding on the backdoor that scared the heck out of me, but when I looked outside I  saw Parker's bike, he was hiding from me and he had James out there with him, yeah!  I knew James was spending the night with his Papa and was waiting for him to come visit us.   Of course they could only stay a few minutes, Parker had to be home by 10.  They couldn't
even sit still for a picture, there was too much wrestling going on, and then I had to fend off James taking bad pictures of me to add to his collection...some things never change!  Parker tried to tell me that we were all going to  play basketball tomorrow, but I told him to forget that idea,  I'm still sore from the charge I took from Parker the last time we played.

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