Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow, V'ball & B'ball

Parker, Ethan, Ridge, Skylar, Owen and Austin
I took Parker to a basketball tournament in Toutle today, they played 4 games, didn't win, but two of the games they only lost by 2 points. Parker played well, but said his knees hurt after all the running, with only 1 extra player on the team.
Papa went to Mark Morris to watch Lexi play in a club volleyball tournament. After watching a couple matches, he brought Ava and Harper home. After a little play time and soup for lunch, they went down for a nap.
The girls were so excited to see the snow.
After naptime, we took them back to Kelly and watched the end of Lexi's last match. Parker was hungry so we stopped at Panda. On the way out to the car, he stuck his new aluma wallet under the back wheel of the car to see if really was "crush-proof"-sure enough, Papa backed right over it and it was fine.

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