Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Potty watches

What a cute idea, these potty watches, I was curious to see how the girls would do with them, but we couldn't figure out how to set them. Fortunately the instructions were easy to find on-line. Ava was happy to wear hers but Harper didn't want to, so we just kept it near her so she could hear it. We set the "watches" to go off-they play a little tune, every hour. They were happy every time their watches played music and ran to go potty, no luck while there, but at least they are happy to try.

This was so funny, after their nap and potty attempt I put a diaper on Harper and put her pants back on and pulled them up, I got up and went in the kitchen and heard her say "whoa!" and heard her giggle. Here she comes, trying to balance, I had put both legs in one pant leg, she's waddling along, with the other pant leg dragging behind her. She was enjoying the attention and waddled all over the house, since we just kept laughing at her.

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