Thursday, January 26, 2012

Finally sharing those manners

Whenever Ava and Harper play and talk to each other, they are very polite, saying "please" and" thank you" all the time (unless they are fighting over something, of course). So we knew they had manners, but just not with us, we were constantly reminding them to say those "magic words". But today, all that finally changed! At breakfast and lunch, it was "Papa more milk please" and "thank you Papa".

And if you want to hear something cute, ask Ava to say "oh my goodness" which comes out "oh my noodness".

These pictures are from 2006-Auna, Rielee and Macee, and that's Parker under the sled.

Auna, Will, Emmy, Parker and Macee sledding, Laury watching.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry they don't have manners with you guys! That is not ok!!
