Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Icee nightmare

I took Parker and Auna to town and on the way home Parker started begging for an Icee, I told him "no" since I don't buy him pop but he continued to beg and in desperation started calling his family in Eugene to get permission. Finally he got the okay from his Dad and we head to the CR BK. On the way Auna tells me how they just have 2 sizes there, and the small and medium Icees are actually both 16 ounces, but when we got there Parker ordered a large and Auna a small, I didn't think anything of it since Auna said they are the same. So I about flipped when I got to the window and the guy hands me this gargantuan Icee...
turns out it was actually a 40 ounce Icee, by this time Auna is doubled up laughing, Parker is thrilled to death. Neither had ever seen such a large Icee. When we got home, I had to take a picture of it, of course, and then Parker sat it on the counter and I accidently shoved it off the counter and watched it splatter all over the floor. Parker started freaking out that most of his huge Icee is on the floor and tried to scoop it up with his hands, which just spread it around even more...Auna is once again, doubled up laughing.
So in the end, he got a 16 ounce, approximately, after all.
And I got a sticky floor, Parker pointed that out to me later.

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