Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday lunch with the girls

When we picked the girls up to go to lunch today they wanted to show us their new rooms.  Ava took Luke's old room,
and Harper took Lexi's room.  Harper said her room is a cluttered because she needs a desk (it's on her birthday list). 
We had a yummy lunch at Red Robin, crummy picture, Ava really was awake.
Then we went to Angel Nails where Harper got a manicure, Ava opted out.  She and Papa went to a nearby Starbucks and got cake pops.
Next stop was Liberty Middle School, where Kelly works in the office.  Ava had never been there and neither had we, except for games.  
When we took them back home, I went along as the girls took Oliver for a walk.  Papa stayed with Murphy since he had a sore paw. 
 Next time we see these kiddos they'll be 7th graders.

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