Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Badminton goats

Saturday we made sugar cookies, the girls got creative and free-handed a flamingo and unicorn.
We had a fun weekend with them, they spent lots of time in the hot tub, turned down low so it felt good.
We spent lots of time outside in the warm weather, they also asked to go to the playgrounds in town, where they found they were too tall for some of the rings and had to go for the top of the support beam instead.

Sunday visit to Sweet Spot
They played badminton until dark Sunday night, and had the funniest thing happen.  Papa jokingly told them to make the goat sounds like Rielee made last week when they were playing, so they did-and here came the neighbor's goats running across the driveway towards us!  The girls and I were kind of freaked out at first, but Papa calmly said "let's walk them back home"  
and they just walked with us and went right back in their pen.  They had escaped through the bottom of their gate, which had not been properly tied shut.


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