Saturday, April 29, 2017

Snuggle, snake

 Rielee was over early this morning and snuggling on the couch with Harper, Ava joined in when I took a picture.  She loves making that goofy face with her snaggly loose tooth, silly girl.
We made sugar cookies but when we were all done decorating I somehow knocked over my water bottle and it went everywhere, soaking several cookies.  Then I knocked it over again trying to clean up.  Ava saved my phone and  Harper tried to help by picking up the rack (with more cookies on it) to protect them, but she accidently tilted it too far backwards and cookies went sliding off to the floor.  It was all very comical, we just had to laugh.
They found a snake in Laury and David's yard and brought it over to show us.  Once it started releasing scent and stinking, they couldn't let it go fast enough.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Tee Ball .

I got to see the Red Falcons take on Team Frozen tonight.  Harper started out as catcher while Ava played 3rd base. 
Ava was up first and got a good hit.

Running home.

Harper's turn, she hit well, too.

She was jumping up and down on 1st, killing time, waiting for the batter,

but was ready to run.  I thought they did pretty well, hitting, running fast on the bases,
and I didn't see Ava looking for worms (she found 3 at their last game).

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Fish, volleyball

This was our Saturday project, the girls needed to decorate these fish for school.  Harper's is Ariel, Ava's is Rapunzel.  Their teacher will hang them from their classroom ceiling for open house.

Rielee had a tournament in Kelso today.  Ava and Harper went with us for a game before Dad picked them up.  They were so happy to see Rielee, even though they just saw her yesterday.

Aces Elite ended up winning the tournament.   Rielee played well all day.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Happy Birthday Luke!

Luke had a home game vs. Mtn. View today, they lost but it was still fun to watch.  Beautiful day but the wind made it chilly. 
Harper took this picture of her brother, and about 30 more for me.
She got a ride from Dad, too, better view from up there.
We have another new driver in the family-Luke is 16!  He had a party at Megabytes Pizza after his game.

Ava must have been singing Happy Birthday in her silly voice...
Rielee, Ava, Jason and Harper had a good time with the video games. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017


 Another awesome Easter at Cathy and Bob's.  Had a yummy meal and then it was time for the kids to hunt eggs.
Oh, and a cousin picture, too.

They ran and ran

and found lots of eggs.

Then the kids hid the eggs for the adults to hunt, first dividing them into 3 teams.
The twist was that the eggs contained lego pieces, the teams had 10 minutes to make something-and present it to the kids to judge. 

It was an intense building process for all the teams. Dan, James, Tierney and Lynne built an Easter bunny statue. 
The judges were very serious.
The winners were Emmy, Macee, Parker, Julie and Peter-their airport scene was the judge's favorite.
It might have helped that their presentation included how the plane had just landed from Disneyland. 

Next was the egg roll-Charb was the winner, Des took 2nd, Steve was 3rd.

 The egg toss is always so funny, Harper almost caught this one. 
Such concentration.
Erica and Cale were the winners over Rielee and Michael, and it was her first ever egg toss.

Earth Day

 Saturday wee took the girls to an Earth Day Celebration at the Expo Center, getting there right as it opened so there wasn't a crowd yet and the girls could easily do the activities.  They had fun planting thyme seeds,
got some antlers and hunting info for Daddy,

and went inside a giant salmon.  We bought some flowers and they picked out some treasures at the Farmer's Market, too.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Auna track

We made it to Auna's track meet just as she was finishing up the javelin.  She threw 99'3", she said she got in line to throw early since the sun was out and the wind was good, but by the time it was her turn it started raining.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Metal detecting

 Papa and the girls trying out his new toy.  They were hoping to find gold, but all they found was an old toy gun, a nail, some random chunks of metal, and a bone.  Ava rescued all the worms they dug up. 
The girls wanted a job to earn money, so they helped me pick up limbs from the wind storm.  Ava asked if she could try driving the mower.

Of course Harper wanted to also, she was just barely tall enough to reach the pedal, but she made it to the burn pile and back.

Had the quickest fire pit ever since the rain started just as we sat down.  They were roasting marshmallows while they ate their hotdogs.  One each, then we went in.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Sally B's birthday, movie

It was Sally B's first birthday today, so the girls had a party for her, complete with streamers and presents wrapped in newspaper.  Harper loves that bear, she even went to school with her on a day when Harper had earned a coupon she could use to bring a stuffed animal.
It was so windy and stormy out, a good day to take the girls to see Boss Baby.  Just after I took this picture Rielee noticed Heather, Jillian, Bridget and Tor sitting down at the other end of our row so we moved down so the kids could be together.  It was a cute movie, but as we were leaving I couldn't find my car keys, we searched the theatre 3 times, but all we found was a shoe (?) so Papa had to come to our rescue.  The kids got their favorite cotton candy ice cream cones while we waited for him. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fool's

We went to the Dollar Store on Friday, seems they're mostly interested in office supplies now. 
They spent the sunny afternoon at the play fort, but when Harper's allergies kicked in (we had just mowed) they had to come in early.  She recovered with some Benadryl and they had a sleepover later that included a marathon of Brain Games on Netflix...
and making bead creations. 
Rielee went home early this morning and missed out on making sugar cookies.

  Harper wanted to take the picture, they made a cookie for every family member but I think she
had some of that frosting on the lense.
We also had some fun with April Fool's Day jokes.  Ava stuffed everyone's shoes with tissue paper, I tricked Harper with blue water out of the faucet, ran them a cold bath, and they hid all my underwear while I was in the shower.  Rielee tricked her Dad with a fake nail polish spill we made and her Mom with brown water out of the faucet.