Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bowling/sunny Sunday fun

 Saturday we took the girls bowling.  What a fun adventure that was.  They were so wound up and ready to go.  Papa won the first game, with Rielee 2nd, Harper 3rd, and Ava last.  Ava wasn't happy, she said it was the 3rd time Harper has beaten her.  The 2nd game Papa also won, of course, but Ava did better and beat both Harper and Rielee.  Ava was really trying, and had the cutest little 8-step approach to throw the ball.  Harper stayed with her "between the legs" throw.  Papa gave Rielee some tips to help her but her game got worse, it seemed, the harder she tried.  They all begged to play a 3rd game, but Papa pulled a muscle in his leg and needed to go home and ice it.  The girls made us promise that we would be back again soon.
 What a beautiful, sunny May day.  The girls were outside playing right after breakfast and stayed busy all day. 
They set up a water slide in the afternoon
and ran through the sprinkler, too.
It was Auna's 16th birthday, so they made her cards and took her gifts since Ava and Harper won't be here tomorrow for her birthday party.

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